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Counselling Code

Great Place To Work




S.No. Name of the Equipment/Apparatus
1 Torsional Pendulum
2 Simple harmonic oscillations of cantilever
3 Young’s Modulus (Uniform & Non-Uniform Bending)
4 Diode laser
5 Air Wedge
6 He-Ne laser
7 Ultrasonic interferometer
8 Post office box
9 Photoelectric effect
10 Michelson interferometer
11 Melde’s string
12 Lattice dynamics kit
13 Band gap-semiconductor
14 Poiseuille’s method
15 Carey foster’s bridge
16 Lee’s Disc method
  • To introduce different experiments to test basic understanding of physics concepts applied in optics, thermal physics, properties of matter and liquids for engineering applications
  • To make the student to determine the Rigidity Modulus and Young's Modulus using appropriate methods for the given sample.
  • The students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge on the Optical, Sound and Electrical (band gap) properties of LASER, Ultrasonic waves and semiconductor diode respectively.
  • The students will be able to measure the radius and length of the unknown resistance and determine the specific resistivity of the material.

Chemistry Laboratory

S.No. Name of the Equipment/Apparatus
1 Digital pH meter
2 Digital potentiometer
3 Digital spectrophotometer
4 Digital Conductivity meter
5 Digital Flame Photometer
6 Hot Air Oven
7 Double Distillation Unit
8 Water bath
9 Shimadzu Digital Weighing Balance
  • To introduce different experiments to test basic understanding of physics concepts applied in optics, thermal physics, properties of matter and liquids for engineering applications
  • To make the student to acquire practical skills in the determination of water quality parameters through volumetric and instrumental analysis.
  • Acquaint the students with the Synthesis of NAnomaterials.
  • The students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of water quality related parameters.

Language Laboratory

Language Laboratory – CALL HUB (Computer Assisted Language Learning) The CALL Hub is equipped with computers that are connected by LAN. It facilitates students learning experience by providing adequate exposure to language tutorials. The students are also exposed to web resources, self-study resources and online tutorials that impart training learners belonging to all academic levels.

There are several programmed lessons and self-study language packages available in the CALL HUB to enhance the communicative competence of the technocrats.

The following is the list of language programmer’s that are used in our language lab:

  • Self-study material for IELTS & TOEFL
  • Programmed lessons on Spoken English
  • Body Language – Nonverbal Communication
  • Interview Etiquette
  • Presentation skills and Group Discussions Business Communication