About IQAC
In pursuance of its Action Plan for Performance Evaluation, Assessment & Accreditation & Quality Up-Gradation of Institutions of Higher Education, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) proposes that every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of the institution’s system & work towards realization of the goals of Quality Enhancement & Sustenance.
As per the NAAC / UGC Guidelines, the IQAC of KGiSL Institute of Technology was established in 2017. Since its inception, it has been consistently and actively involved in Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement activities. It is a participative cell of the Institution that works on evolving strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality, thus channelizing the efforts of the Institution towards achieving Holistic Academic Excellence..
Core Values:
Quality Policy:
We, at KGiSL Institute of Technology, are committed to pursue global standards of excellence in all our endeavours encompassing teaching, research, consultancy, entrepreneurship and continuing education, holding ourselves accountable to our stakeholders through periodic evaluation and continual improvement with effective implementation of Quality Management System.
The Objectives of the IQAC are
- To Develop a System for Conscious, Consistent and Catalytic Action to Improve the following aspects
- Academic and Administrative activities
- Research, Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurial spirit
- Academia and Industrial Collaboration
- Community Engagement and Societal Perception
- To Promote Measures for the Institutional Functioning towards Quality Enhancement through Internalization of Quality Culture and Institutionalization of Best Practices.
Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
- Development and Application of Quality Benchmarks / Parameters for various Academic and Administrative Activities of the Institution
- Facilitating the Creation of a Learner-Centric Environment Conducive to Quality Education and Faculty Maturation to Adopt the Required Knowledge and Technology for Participatory Teaching and Learning Process
- Arrangement for Feedback Response from Students, Parents and other Stakeholders on Quality-Related Institutional Processes
- Dissemination of Information on various Quality Parameters of Higher Education
- Organization of Inter and Intra Institutional Workshops, Seminars on Quality related Themes and Promotion of Quality Circles
- Documentation of the Various Programmes / Activities Leading to Quality Improvement
- Acting as a Nodal Agency of the Institution for Coordinating Quality-Related Activities, including Adoption and Dissemination of Best Practices
- Development and Maintenance of Institutional Database through MIS for the purpose of Maintaining / Enhancing the Institutional Quality
- Development of Quality Culture in the Institution
- Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per Guidelines and Parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC
- Perform Inter / Intra Departmental Academic and Administrative Audits at frequent intervals.
IQAC will facilitate/contribute:
- Ensure Heightened Level of Clarity and Focus in Institutional Functioning towards Quality Enhancement
- Ensure Internalization of the Quality Culture
- Ensure Enhancement and Coordination among various Activities of the Institution and Institutionalize all Good Practices
- Provide a Sound Basis for Decision-Making to Improve Institutional Functioning
- Act as a Dynamic System for Quality Changes In HEI’s
- Build an Organized Methodology of Documentation and Internal Communication
- Practice Quality Improvement Plan and Performance Improvement Plan
Build an Organised Methodology of Documentation and Internal Communication