S.No | Name of the faculty | Qualification | Designation |
Mr. C. Narayanaswamy, has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore in 1987 and M.E in Industrial Engineering from Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore in 1991. He is pursuing PhD in Mechanical Engineering under Anna University, Chennai. He has about 25 years of Industrial experience and 11 years of teaching experience and his areas of interest include Strength of Materials, Design of Machine Elements, Design of Transmission Systems, Principles of Management, Engineering Economics and Finance and Total Quality Management. He has authored 4 research papers in International Journals and has published 1 Paper in international conference and 3 papers in national conference.
Dr. M. Seenivasan, has received his B.E., in Mechanical Engineering from Government College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore in 1996 and Master’s in Engineering from Maharaja College of Engineering, Coimbatore in 2010. He has completed his Ph.D., in Mechanical Engineering under Anna University, Chennai. He has about 11 years of teaching experience, 21 years of Industrial experience and his areas of interest include Design, Industrial Safety, Dynamics and Kinematics. He has authored more than 7 research papers in refereed International Journals and conferences. He has organized International National conference and many workshops. He is life member in ISTE.
Experience (Industry /Teaching) | 21 years / 12 years |
Area of Research Specialization | Industrial Safety(Industrial Engineering). |
Research/Funding Project handled(Count) | NIL |
Publication (National /International Journal and Conference) | 8 |
Any other (related to research) | NIL |
S.No | Research/Funding Project handled-List |
Nil |
S.No | Publication (National /International Journal and Conference) |
1. | Thirumalai, R., M. Seenivasan, and K. Panneerselvam. “Experimental investigation and multi response optimization of turning process parameters for Inconel 718 using TOPSIS approach.” Materials Today: Proceedings , In Press, (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.004,(ELSEVIER PUBLICATION) Impact factor: 1.3. |
2. | Thirumalai R, Kuaanan Techato, Chandrasekharan M, Venkatapathy K, Seenivasan M “Experimental Investigation during turning process of Titanium material for Surface Roughness” Materials Today: Proceedings , In Press, (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.07.213, (ELSEVIER PUBLICATION) Impact factor: 1.3. |
3. | Senthilkumar KM, Thirumalai R, Seenivasan M, Arularasu R, “Disaster Prevention and Control Management in Automation: A Key Role in Safety Engineering” Procedia Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 11, No.11, pp. 557-565, 2015(ELSEVIER PUBLICATION). Impact factor: 1.0]. |
4. | Seenivasan M, Arularasu M, Thirumalai R, Senthilkumar KM, “Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Analysis in Manufacturing Industries”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 384-391, 2017. |
5. | P Seenivasan M,.Pradeep S, Sabarish S, ThiruVengadam N, Vishok Sundaram W,” Design and Fabrication of Multi-stage Two Wheeler Parking System”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering& Science (IJTIMES) (SJIF-2017),e-ISSN:2455-2585 Volume-5, Special Issue-March, 2019. |
6. | Sathyamoorty VSeenivasan M, Balaji A P,” Design and Impact Analysis of Reduction of Weight In Car Door”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering& Science (IJTIMES) (SJIF-2017),e-ISSN:2455-2585 Volume-5, Special Issue-March, 2019]. |
7. | Sathiyamoorty V, MarisamyK, Seenivasan M,” Design and Optimization of Rocker Arm, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering& Science (IJTIMES), (SJIF-2017),e-ISSN:2455-2585 Volume-5, Special Issue-March, 2019. |
8. | Jambulingam S,Mahendran M, Seenivasan M, Sivakumar A,” Experimental Analysis of FSW for Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys Aa7075 and Aa3014 Using CNC VM” International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering& Science (IJTIMES) (SJIF-2017),e-ISSN:2455-2585 Volume-5, Special Issue-March, 2019. |
Dr. T.Venugopal, has received his B.E., in Mechanical Engineering from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in 2002 and Master’s in Engineering in CAD/CAM from Anna University, Chennai in 2004. He has completed his Ph.D., in Mechanical Engineering under Anna University, Chennai. He has about 16 years of teaching experience and his areas of interest include Industrial Robotics, Machine Design, Theory of Machines and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. He has authored more than 10 research papers in refereed International Journals and conferences. He has organized International and National conferences, Symposium and many workshops. He is a life member in ISTE and Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT)
Experience (Industry /Teaching) | Nil/16 years |
Area of Research Specialization | Materials Processing and Characterization |
Research/Funding Project handled(Count) | 1 |
Publication (National /International Journal and Conference) | 11 |
Any other (related to research) | Reviewer in 1 journal. |
S.No | Research/Funding Project handled-List |
Received a Seminar Grant of Rs.20,000/- from CSIR, New Delhi |
S.No | Publication (National /International Journal and Conference) |
1. | Venugopal, T & Chandramohan, P 2020, “A high strength and wear resisting AA5083 alloy for Armoured vehicles applications: Structure property correlation”, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol.27, issue 1/2, pp 164-179, DOI:10.1504/IJHVS.2020.104411, (Scopus Indexed) Inderscience Publishers, Impact Factor : 0.915, (Annexure 1) |
2. | Venugopal.T, Vinoth Kumar.B, Pankaj Kumar Sharma 2013, “Analysis of Mechanical properties and Micro structure formation in Al 6082 alloy during ECAP process”, International Journal of Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Characterization, Vol 3, issue 1, Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.11127/ijammc.2013.02.088 |
3. | T.Venugopal, N.Mathan Mohan, Ajith kumar S, 2016,“Design and Fabrication of Eco-Friendly Mechanical Sprayer”, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (INTCOMM 2016) |
4. | T.Venugopal, 2012, “Analysis on Machinability Characteristics of Hard Martensitic Stainless Steel (410 Series)”, , International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2012), GRIET, Hyderabad |
5. | T.Venugopal, Viswanath Shankar, D.Palanikumar, 2008, “Analysis of Ball screw Feed Mechanism in a High Speed Machining Centre”, Team Tech 2008 – International Conference, IISc, Bangalore |
6. | T.Venugopal, Viswanath Shankar, R.Suresh Kumar, 2008, “Thermal Errors in a High Speed CNC Machining Centre-A Review”, Team Tech 2008 – International Conference, IISc, Bangalore |
7. | D.Palanikumar, T.Venugopal, 2006, “Structural Analysis of Vertical Column in a Machining Centre”, 22nd “CARs & FOF” International Conference at VIT University, Vellore |
8. | T.Venugopal, 2012, “An Analysis on Influence of Cutting Parameters on Surface Roughness of Stainless Steel –Grade 304, National Conference on Materials, Mechatronics Elements and, Manufacturing(NCMMM 2012), at SKCET Coimbatore |
9. | T.Venugopal, 2012, “Analysis of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear on Martensitic Stainless Steel by CBN Tools”, National Conference on Materials, Mechatronics Elements and, Manufacturing(NCMMM 2012), at SKCET Coimbatore |
10. | T.Venugopal, 2012, “A Study of Mechanical properties and Micro structure formation in Aluminum Alloy during ECAP process”, National Conference on Materials, Mechatronics Elements and, Manufacturing(NCMMM 2012), at SKCET Coimbatore |
11. | T.Venugopal, 2004, “Thermal Analysis of Spindle and Ball Screw Mechanism in Horizontal Machining Centre using FEA”, National Conference on Application of Emerging Technologies at Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur |
Mr. K. Venkataraman, has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in 1998 and M.E in Industrial Engineering from Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore in 2011. He is pursuing PhD in Mechanical Engineering under Anna University, Chennai. He has about 23 years of Industrial experience and 10 years of teaching experience and his areas of interest include Strength of Materials, Design of Machine Elements, Design of Transmission Systems, Principles of Management, Engineering Economics and Finance and Total Quality Management. He has authored 2 research papers in International Journals and has published 2 Papers in conferences.
Mr. R. K. Sujith Kumar, has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University through Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore in 2011 and Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from Karpagam University, Coimbatore in 2014. He is having 9 years of experience in industry and teaching. His intensive carrier had been developed in versatile areas like Industrial Product design & Development and MEP-Design & Execution .He specialized in software related to virtual design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM) and virtual analysis (CAE). He had never down from research as well, an epitome for his interest is revealed by the publication in international journal. He has published 1 paper in International Journals and has presented papers in International and National Conferences at Anna University, PSG Tech etc.
Ms. Nandhakumari J, has received her B.E in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2010 and Master’s in Industrial Engineering from Anna University ,Chennai in 2012 . She has about 6 years of teaching experience and her areas of interest include Software Testing .She has published 7 papers in National & International conferences like IJTIMES.
Mr. P. Aiam Pandian has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Sir Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore in 2009 and Master’s in Advanced Manufacturing Technology from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore in 2013. He has about 6 years of teaching experience, 2 years of Industrial experience and his areas of interest include Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Information Systems. He has authored 4 research papers in referred International Journals and 6 research papers in International conferences
Mr. Chandra Bose V, has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from PA college of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi in 2013 and Master’s in Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CADCAM) from Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore in 2015. He has about 4 years of teaching experience, his areas of interest include Design, Mechanical linear Vibration, Finite Element Analysis, Product Design and Development and Computer Aided Mechanics . He has authored more than 4 and 5 research papers in refereed International Journals and conferences.
Mr. J. Kaleeswaran has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from National Engineering College, Kovilpatti in 2013 and Master’s in Energy Engineering from Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore in 2015. He has about 4 years of teaching experience and his areas of interest include Mathematical Modelling and design of thermal systems, Fluid mechanics, IC Engines and Renewable energy. He has authored 4 research papers in referred International Journals and 6 research papers in international conferences.
Mr.T.A. Arun, did his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in VLB Janaki Ammal Polytechnic, at Coimbatore in 1999, B.E in Mechanical Engineering in Coimbatore institute of technology in 2010 and Master’s in Thermal Engineering in Government College of Technology, Coimbatore in 2013. He has about 6 years of teaching experience and 10 years of industrial experience. His areas of interest include Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy and IC Engines. He has authored more than 8 research papers.
Mr. K. Karthick, has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2012 and Master’s in Engineering Design from Anna University, Chennai in 2015. He is pursuing PhD in Mechanical Engineering under Anna University, Chennai. He has about 4 years of teaching experience and his areas of interest include Design of Machine Elements, Dynamics of Machines and Welding Technology. He has authored more than 3 research papers in refereed International Journals. He is serving as a reviewer in International Journal and has organized National level Seminar and workshops. He is a member of IWS.
Mr.Stalin Durai, has received his B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore in 2013 and Master’s in Thermal & Fluid from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Kerala in 2016. He has about 4 years of teaching experience and his areas of interest include Thermal, Heat & Mass Transfer. He has published 5 papers in National & International conferences like IJTIMES.