Dr. S. K. Mydhili, has received her B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Maharaja Engineering College, Avinashi in 2000 and Master’s in Communication Systems from Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore in 2006. She received her doctorate degree in Information and Communication under Anna University, Chennai in 2017. She has about 17 years of teaching experience and her area of interest includes Wireless Networks, Wireless Communication, Machine Learning, IoT. She has authored more than 25 research papers in refereed International Journals, IEEE conferences, National, International conferences and has published 3 book chapters with reputed publishers. She has organised National level seminars and workshops. She has delivered special lectures at FDPs and Workshops on Communication Systems. She has served as guest for various technical events .She is a life-member of ISTE and member of IEEE, IAENG.
Experience (Industry /Teaching) | 18+ years |
Area of Research Specialization | Wireless Communication |
Research/Funding Project handled(Count) | NIL |
Publication (National /International Journal and Conference) | 11/24 |
Any other (related to research) | NIL |
S.No | Research/Funding Project handled-List |
Nil | |
S.No | Publication (National /International Journal and Conference) |
1. | Published paper titled “Tumor classification and extraction from mammogram images using convolutional neural network” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(7 Special Issue), pp. 2636–2641, July 2020 [ Scopus]. |
2. | Published paper titled “Fuzzy rule-based environment-aware autonomous mobile robots for actuated touring” in International Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics, Vol 13, Issue 4, April 2020 [WoS, Scopus]. |
3. | Published paper titled “Dual watermarking in tele-radiology using DWT for data authentication and security” in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, (ICCSP 2019), April 2019, pp. 887–891, 8697935 [ Scopus ]. |
4. | Published paper titled “An Machine learning based multi scale parallel K-means++ clustering for cloud assisted internet of things” in International Journal of Peer-to- Peer Networking and Applications , Vol 13, Issue 6, September 2019 ( Annexure -I ) [ WoS, Scopus]. |
5. | Published paper titled “An Efficient Attendance Monitoring System using RFID Technique” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR), Vol 5, Issue 4, December 2018 [ UGC Journal ]. |
6. | Published paper titled “Channel estimation of OFDM system based on PACE using LABVIEW”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.10, no.11, ISSN 0973-4562 (Annexure-II). [ Scopus]. |
7. | Published paper titled “Analysis and implementation of OFDM system and channel estimation based IEEE 802.11a”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.12, ISSN 1819-6608 (Annexure-II) [Scopus]. |
8. | Published paper titled “DLMS adaptive filter using CSE method and ECG noise reduction” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering(IJIREEICE), Vol 3, Issue 6, June 2015. |
9. | Published paper titled “Survey on DLMS adaptive filter with low delay” in International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology(IJRCCT) Vol 3, Issue 9, September 2014. |
10. | Published paper titled “LMS channel estimation in OFDM system using pilot based techniques” in International Journal of Advanced Information Science & Technology, Vol 22, February 2014, ISSN: 2319-2682/IF:3.564. |
11. | Published paper titled “Equalization techniques for MIMO system –An analysis” in IEEE International Conference on Communication & Signal Processing (ICCSP 2013) 3,4,5 of April 2013 at Adiparasakthi College of Engineering & Technology, Melmaruvathur [Scopus]. |
1. | Presented paper entitled “An Energy Efficient Intelligent Street Light System based on Sensor Networks” in the International Web Conference on Smart Engineering Technologies 2020 (IWCSET – 2020) during 26 – 27 June 2020 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar. |
2. | Presented paper entitled “Implementation of Steganalysis in Data Encrption and Decrption for JPEG Images” in the International Web Conference on Smart Engineering Technologies 2020 (IWCSET – 2020) during 26 – 27 June 2020 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar. |
3. | Presented a paper entitled “An Improved Methodology for Steganalysis of JPEG Image using QRC” in the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology 2020 (ICCET- 2020) during 14th & 15th March 2020 at Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, Chennai. |
4. | Presented a paper entitled “Development and Implementation of Smart Street Light System” in the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology 2020 (ICCET- 2020) during 14th & 15th March 2020 at Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, Chennai. |
5. | Presented a paper entitled “Efficient Travel Management System based on RPA” in the International Conference on Recent Explorations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019 (ICREST- 2019) during 14th & 15th March 2019 at KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. |
6. | Presented a paper entitled “Health Alert Application for Region” in the International Conference on Recent Explorations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019 (ICREST- 2019) during 14th & 15th March 2019 at KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. |
7. | Presented paper titled “Brain Controlled Security System – A Survey” in 12th National Conference on “Innovation in Communication and Computing” on March 28th ,2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
8. | Presented paper titled “Arduino based Solar Tracking and Positioning System” in 12th National Conference on “Innovation in Communication and Computing” on March 28th ,2018 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
9. | Presented paper titled “Cluster Integration of advanced weapons systems and sensor based future combat system” in second National Conference on “Recent Trends in Computing Sciences-RACS’14” on September 4th ,2014 at JCT College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
10. | Presented paper titled “BER analysis for Channel Estimation of OFDM system based on QAM” in International Conference March 12-14, 2015 at Kalaivani College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore. |
11. | Presented paper titled “An approach based on FFT for monitoring tool wearing” in National Conference on Innovation in Engineering, Science and Technology March 6 and 7th, 2015 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar. |
12. | Presented paper titled “Performance comparison of equalizers for wireless communication system” in National Conference on Innovation in Engineering, Science and Technology March 6 and 7th, 2015 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar. |
13. | Presented paper titled “Regulating attendance system based on radio frequency identification” in National Conference on VLSI and Signal Processing (NCVSP-15) March 5th ,2015 at Sasurie Academy of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
14. | Presented paper titled “Drip Irrigation management system using WSN combined with IOT and cloud computing” in National Conference on Emerging trends in computer Communication and Information (ETCCI’15) 23rd and 24th February 2015 at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
15. | Presented paper titled “4G: The MAGIC technology” in National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Technology(NC-RTET’14) 11th April 2014 at SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
16. | Presented paper titled “Performance of block and convolutional code over noisy channel” in National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Technology(NC-RTET’14) 11th April 2014 at SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
17. | Presented paper titled “Improved wireless communication system using OFDM” in International Conference on Recent Innovative in Engineering (ICRIE 2014) March 13,14 2014 at SriSubramanya College of Engineering & Technology, Palani. |
18. | Presented paper titled “Implementation of OFDM on wireless communication system” in International Conference April 2013 at SriKrishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore. |
19. | Presented paper titled “Performannce analysis of OFDM based on guard interval” in International Conference on Advanced computing, machines and embedded technology(ICACT2013) March 8th and 9th 2013 at JKKN College of Engineering and Technology, Komarapalayam,Nammakal. |
20. | Presented paper titled “A promising 4Gtechnology using OFDM –An analysis” in International Conference 19th April 2013 at JCT college of Technology, Coimbatore. |
21. | Presented paper titled “An Overview of MIMO wireless System based on STC and V-BLAST technique” in National Conference in Communication, Networking & Computing (NCCNC ‘10) July 2010 held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. |
22. | Presented paper titled “V-BLAST based MIMO Wireless System” in II second National conference in Recent Trends in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering (RETEEICOM-07) held at Mahendra Engineering College, Tiruchengode. |
23. | Presented paper titled “Wireless System Implementation with MIMO- Space Time Coding” in National Conference on Communication Technologies (NCCT‘06) held at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi. |
24. | Presented paper titled “Performance comparison of Wireless System Model based on MIMO-STC ” in Second National Conference on Signals, Systems & Security-2006(NCSSS-2006) held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathayamangalam. |