Student From KGKiTE Receives the nod From Google Assistant

A 3rd year B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering student from KGiSL Institute of Technology has been lauded for her efforts and creativity by Google Assistant. Ms. Srimathi Jagadeesan put her time and resources to creative utilization during the lockdown by developing 12 voice-based apps or chatbots for Google Assistant and one for the popular messaging app, Telegram.

The Trinity Mirror, a Tamil e-paper based in Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai, was bowled over by her achievement and has appreciated her efforts on the front page of their Daily.

All of her apps have been approved and recognized by Google Assistant, USA.

Ms. Jagadeesan’s voice-based apps include, ‘Yoga Vibe’, ‘RPA Quiz’, ‘Mr. Kotlin Quiz Show’, ‘The Relaxation Tune’, ‘e-learning tech’, ‘Mr. Inventors’, ‘Humour show’, ‘Motivate Yourself’, ‘Awesome Quotes’, ‘Athlete Champs’, ‘Poetry Quiz’ and ‘Nutrition Rich Food’.

During the nation-wide lockdown that has been imposed from March 2020, she has acquired 30 programming certifications from GUVI, AWS and UI Path.Click here to view Ms. Srimathi Jagadeesan’s apps
